Monday, December 29, 2008


todays snipet on the page from randy's this is true cracks me up. In case a different one shows for anyone else here it is.. 

Full Service
A new British mall is building in an innovation to attract women shoppers: a day care center — for their husbands. “Some grown-up men are very similar to small children, and most couples have anecdotes of their own to prove it,” said a spokesman for the Bluewater Retail Centre, being constructed in Kent. He added that the idea for the big-baby-sitting area came from “extensive research showing that 50 percent of couples’ shopping trips end in argument.” The creche features video games, televisions showing sports ...and beer. (Reuters) ...And, we hope, a changing area.

Now why cant US markets do this. LOL Man I got so frustrated christmas shopping this year as my dear Significant Other was WORSE then kids, every 10 feet he was stopping to examine something, pausing to watch tv's, game systems, browse something! We had already waited till like 2-3 am to go shopping to avoid the crowds anyhow.  And I ended up calling home to ask a couple of the kids questions on sizes for things and of course he had the cell. Once I had to travel the entire length of the store  to call my daughter about lipring sizes cause he wanted to watch kungfoo panda in the electronics aisle!!! 

He has to stop in the toys aisle, magazines, greeting cards, electronics, ALL DVD racks, and whatever else catches his eye. Me I don't mind browsing a little bit but I would much rather get what I need and get out. That comes from years of never having money for extras. 


Sunday, December 28, 2008

survived another christmas!

Well another christmas gone now. And as always I ended up sick.. *sighs* Some kind of intestinal bug. I drank 3/4 of a bottle of pepto just trying to keep from the mad dashes to the toliet.  In between I stayed busy a Photo shoot of my avatar in second life.  If your interested :    Been having a bit of fun online at a nightclub while still adult. They don's allow out and out xrated stuff in the main club area. They have private rooms for it.  I have managed to make her look pretty, even though she doesnt look much like what the original shellie would. She is cute. 

There is a graphic glitch with nvidea video cards that is MAJORLY annoying. Putting on boots or gloves often covers the entire limb which can totally ruin outfits. NONE of the workarounds work for me, pisses me off cause rolling back the video driver from 178.x series to the 175.x series can fix it. But everytime I try my computer refuses to boot into windows. And I end up having to restore the damn thing. 

As I wander around I will need to save landmarks for places good for photos cause the couple of posing studios I have found so far lack in backgrounds and lighting. Lighting is the hardest part. 

All the colored backgrounds are from posing booths. I dislike the solid color backgrounds as they are bland. But for free I guess I cant bitch to much. I cant really go through the miriad of clothing cause with this glitch I might be throwing away awesome free outfits. Forums say the glitch got fixed in oct. but they havent released that client yet. And no word on when that will be. 

Ahh well. Having another bout of insomnia marv went to sleep a couple hours ago and here I am awake still. This is getting old. Will ask the doc about it on the 2nd when i go to see him.