Sunday, October 5, 2008


OK I dunno if I can make it till monday. It was the nurse on friday that just don't seem to do up my wound well. And I hurt. Even taking 2 pain pills at a time it hurts. Took a full shower today instead of the daily sink bath. Which made me feel better to a point. But does nothing for the pain. 

Woke up this morning in pain cause the pills are only good for 6 hours and I had slept almost 12. Well was more to that. that just happend to wake me. One of my daughters friends was over and she doesn't seem to have the concept of keeping the noise down. I like her and all she seems to be the most responsible and level headed of my daughters friends. But shes loud. 

I grouched at her a bit for it but I was honestly suprised I slept that much to start. But when you doing 3-4 hour snatches of sleep durring the week. The body catches up when it can. But I dont know if I will be able to sleep tonight. And heaven knows if I can manage the pain till mondays dressing change. I am so tempted to pull the whole mess off and do a dry dressing to give my skin a break. 

Marv and the nurses say the wound itself is closing already and looks good. But the skin around it  looks like hell. They are using skin prep on the skin which is suposed to be putting a layer between me and the adhesive but I'm tempted to test the skin prep someplace else and see if it might be making it worse or not. I think I will do that before bed. Try some on my inner arm or something and see if it breaks out overnight. 

Well our recent addiction is Spore. It's an ok game. Marv and my son seem to really like it a bit more then me. I tend to get bored with it as soon as my races hit space which is when the game gets WAY more complex. 

Heres my latest Critter. It's an omnivore and is in creature stage. So it will evolve allot more by the time the race hits space. 


But the guys like playing it. I need to seriously find me something besides the Sims2 to play anymore. The message boards I frequent don't eat up enough of my day anymore. They all seem to have gotten majorly slow. Or at least I am getting bored with the topics. lol 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Girl :) I haven't been around in awhile...I had no idea all you've been through recently. Oh gosh honey I wish there was something I could do for you. :( Please let me know if you NEED ANYTHING (someone to talk to etc).

    It sounds like even with the hardships you are doing great, my thoughts and prayers are with you for a speed(ier) recovery. Hang in there!!!!
