Thursday, October 2, 2008

Just a day

Well being home is I guess better then remaining in the hospital. Dealing with this wound vac can be a headache though. Today it hurts!! I am having to take 2 painpills at a time because it hurts more then normal. But since My main nurse Dee has been doing the changing it stays sealed at least. And she says she can already see visable closure on the wound. I think most of the pain is cause of my skin reacting to the film. After all my skin HATES Adhesives. Its all broke out and red. 

Bought myself a new purse tonight. Not happy about that because I had to buy a HUGE one. Always hated huge  purses but since I need to carry my spare blood meter and now my new novalog insulin anytime I am out I needed the space. At least this one is canvas and can be tossed in the washer. Also has a nice long strap for going over the shoulder.

I don't like the lows that the new insulin gives me at times but at least my sugar #'s are more in range now.

Have a podiatrist appointment in the morning so I'll see about ordering new shoes too need something to wear now that the weathers gonna get colder.  

The whole nurse comming in every other day is proving to be majorly annoying. Since she never comes or even calls at the same time. So I end up fighting to stay awake from 7 am on till whenever just waiting for the call that says "I might be there at x time".  So I think Im just gonna start going back to bed and turning the phone ringer on so I can at least get more then 4 hours sleep.  I notice that I am unusually cold or at least sensitive to the cold and needing to cover up more now that I am home. I suspect this winter is gonna be really rough on me. 

You know thank heavens for walgreens always seeming to have one brand or another of suppliments on buy 1 get one free sales. Since i needed to get more daily multivitamins and they have me on extra calcuim, iron and potassium right now after the blood they had to give me. 

Potassium is the only thing of the bunch that is perscription covered so thank god for sales. lol

And now to go put away laundry. Had to buy some more washclothes since I had to throw out a bunch for getting raggedy.  

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