Tuesday, October 14, 2008

It continues

So last week, monday evening to be exact. I start having chest pains. First time since the heart cath too. I take a nitro like I was told to. When I nneeded to take the third I am supposed to call 911, so I called Marv to take me to the ER.. Ugh! After 3 hours of them feeding me blood thinners and nitro through 2 IV"s. one in each arm they ship me off to the heart institute in Indy. OMG Talk about the worst hospital stay EVER!!! 
They might get good reviews for being the best as handling heart problems. But they sure sucked on daily treatment of patients. 

First the guy who accepted me on the floor when I arrived and entered me into the computer messed up my diabetes meds, totally skipping my fast acting insulin and entering in my long term insulin in at 20 instead of 80. They set me up in bed and then left the room. Much to my dismay I was hooked to a ton of monitors, blood pressure cuff left on and set for every 15 min, 2 IV's and they didn't even make sure the call button was in reach. And they closed my door totally. 
So I waited for a hour + at like 1 hour 20 min I carefully got up to get the call button. And the same male nurse came in and yelled at me, for about 15 minutes he keept going on and on. I told him NOONE left me the button, he said then you should yelled. Fat lotta good that would do with the door closed!! He had me in tears. 

I was there for 2 days, enzymes came back normal so it wasn't my heart. They did ultrasounds and CT Scan looking for blood clots and found no reason for the chest pain, so they sent me home. But man. I was admitted at 12 midnight, so I ended up 22 hours wi thout food cause kitchen closes at midnight and the nurses have NO Access to anykind of snacks etc. Then I think out of the 5 meals I did get only 1 was correct. all the rest were missing things I had ordered. 
It took 6-8 hours for them to do up my discharge papers once the doc ordered it.  
I went 5 hours the day I went home, thirsty, repeadedly asking nurses to bring me more ice water, none ever did. 

Well enough of ranting about the hospital. Yesterday the nurse put back on the wound vac. After a week of wet to dry bandages I think its trying to get infected. Was starting to have greenish dischage on the bandages when changing them. But nurse said not to worry there was no odor and no fever so put the wound vac on and hopefully friday it can come off for good. Have to see. There is NO dischage at all in the canister.

Ugh Got up yesterday to a wet hallway in front of the kitchen which is right where the furnace/hot water heater is in the hallway. Maintence showed up but weren't able to fix it. So there suposed to come back this morning. 
And our lovely apartment manager has decided that we have to pay for the cleaning up of the flooding of the apartment last month. Because suposedly we turned off the fans before the carpet was dry. So the Carpet cleaning guy says. I know hes full of shit cause the carpets dryed out spectaculary well and didn't even have any discoloration at all from being wet in the first place and this was without shampooing them at all. I walk around in socks ALL the time so I know when the floor is wet and when its not. But we are being stuck with a 900$ Bill for this.. Talk about bullshit. 

Time to get on the move and get the HUD paperwork turned in. Maybe if we are lucky we can have a house by xmas. That would be nice.

Well its 15 after 8 and maintence isnt here yet so time to call them. 


  1. I know how you feel, I hate living in rent. We're doing that at the moment because well, we don't want to make a huge financial commitment right now.
    I can't believe how horrible you were treated at that hospital!!! UGH!! Sometimes I just don't understand people.
    I hope you're feeling better. :)

  2. yes actually I am feeling better, a bit frustrated with the whole mess right now, making me wish I hadnt quit smoking already lol. I am keeping my fingers crossed that they will take this wound vac off friday and I wont need it anymore!! But will have to see.
