Monday, August 4, 2008

diabetes class

Went to my first diabetes class today, actually a more of a get to know you kind of thing, Spent an hour answering question etc. One of my big problems which the lady pointed out to me is I don't do breakfasts. Well I do in a way 4-5 hours later!! LOL.
So I need to eat no later then 1 1/2 hour after waking. She said this is one reason my blood sugars are fluctuating wildly. Its not so much what I eat cause she said Im making great choices. But how often so I need to start eating more often.
And of course since I want to lose weight eating more often sounds so counter productive! LOL. SO I guess I'll try having toast or something.

Thank god my dr.s office called today. To call in medicine for my neurapathy.

I had a hell of a time getting or staying a sleep last night as I have a new ( had it once before but years ago) Phantom pain in my left thigh. OMG It burns!! There is NOTHING there no reason at all it should hurt like this. No bruising no busted veins nothing. And the closer to morning It got the more it burned. I got up an hour before the alarm cause I couldnt take it anymore.
And Marv always plays these thunderstorm MP3's when we sleep at night, well since he has recently been reorganizing his computer one he had thought got deleted ended up on his playlist. Grrrrrr I can tolerate the thunder & lightning but not that one. I woke me up every 20 minutes I swear!! Yea yea yea I know I shoulda got up and turned it down. But when your not fully awake you dont think of it you know. I would just drift back off and curse when it woke me up again 20-30 min later. lol

This week start the august madness. Yep school registrations and stuff! Thank god school supply & uniform shopping is already done. Only if the kids have teachers that request special supplies do they need anything. We have enough pens/pencils/notebooks to burry a horse. lol.
Wal-mart had the 5-cent notebooks lie usual so this year I got 2 boxes instead of 1.

Ahh well gotta call my love and tell him to hit the pharmacy before he gets off work. And I think I am gonna try a nap.

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