Thursday, August 7, 2008

good news or bad news unsure yet.

I am a bit excited and ancious at the same time, why you ask? Well 2+ years ago when we were living with dad and he got put in the nursing home and we started looking for a place to live. I applied for section 8 housing. I wanted Section 8 so I could choise where we lived and not the housing authority. Well Sunday night AJ said she had a letter for me from them. And low and behold they wanna interview me for the program!! Not section 8 part though. So I called and talked to the lady.

She said they don't have anything open yet but they expect to soon so they wanted to get the screening process handled. And have people waiting to get into the homes.

I chated with her on the phone today about it and we go on the 12th for the appointment but she did some of the information over the phone. She is going to put us down for a home NOT an apartment. Which is good. I would rather have a house.
I am excited because we just learned last week our rent was gonna go up another 50$ when we renew our lease in October. Which means it would be 750$ Well when you only make 1700 a month 750 is a heck of alot considering thats not including any of the utilities. So we should hope to see a nice reduction in our rent if we get on the program.

Now for the aprehensions, well Kitten is one. I doubt they will let us keep her. And I REALLY Don't want to get rid of her. So thats gonna be a hard one. Keep the cat or have more free $$ available each month. Also we don't know exactly where the house will be till one is actually open. So it might be in a horrid neighborhood. Or it could be great like the house we had on betula years ago. Yea I was on their program years ago when me and my ex were together. And we got thrown out of the program. Lots of bad things going then I was under total bed rest from doc who was threatening amputation of my leg if I didn't do the bedrest. Ex had just injured his back at work too and was on total restriction. So A friend of ours was staying with us suposedly watching over the kids and doing housework.

Well she wasn't, she was watching over the kids and cooking but she wasn't cleaning. And it was pretty bad, I would ahve been hopping screaming mad at her had I seen how bad it was in the basement. But I wasn't allowed downstairs, my bedroom was in the top floor. And doc gave me explicit instructions to go to the bathroom then back to bed. NO sitting up in bed, keep legs elevated at all times. He had hopping mad fits when he found out I had to get up and try to save my family from being thrown out. And I did but I didn't have enough help/time to get it done. 4 days wasn't enough to get the place in 100% top shape. Not by muself.

Now I have never allowed anyplace I have lived to get in that kind of shape voluntarily but anytime I have been out of comission for a long period of time the place can get pretty bad. Once since then I was hosptialized for a month and m ike & marv let our kitchen get horrible. Took me a week to get it back to any resemblance of normal. So of course that is one of my worries. The lady who did inspections then was white glove strict. Now I am not a bad housekeeper but It is not white glove clean either LOL. I have troubles with floors especially. I can't get down to bucket/brush/scrub them like I used to. And sponge mops just never seem to get em clean enough to satisfy me. But hell if they can reduce my rent enough I will hire a cleaning lady twice a year for inspections if I have to. lol
Not to mention my kids are hard on carpets. Especially since everyplace insists on light tan carpets. Which reminds me I gotta quit putting it off and break in my new carpet cleaner soon.

I'm excited about getting on the program though for several reasons, more spare $$ flow each month. If its a significant enough reduction in our monthly bills we could possibly get a better car, I could possibly get some REAL furniture for the house. Not all this mishmahed, handme down furniture. We will lose the pool, excersise room, dishwasher and garbage disposal. All stuff that is nice to have but not a nessisity.
We will also have to buy a lawnmower & weedeater. Kids and marv will NOT like having to do yard work again, I know but they will have to.

Might actually be able to have a garden. Have to see where we end up. I would love to grow tomatoes watermelon onions and who knows what else. Even if not a full blown garden a container one would be nice.

Thing is if we get a house as nice as the one we had before. Wow. it had an attached garage, 3 bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths. Basement had a extra family room. It even had a baskeball goal in the concrete drive. It was in a quiet neighborhood, we had real asshole neighbors though but now I know better how to deal with people like that.

They would do things like wait till my son took our trash out on his way out to the bus, slip out and dump our trashcans, throw stuff into our yard, call/write and complain about us constantly. We had a really wet spring the second year we were there and the basketball goal litterly fell over cause the ground got so saturated. Concrete and all came right up out the ground, Almost hit my car too!

So we called it in and they had a maintence guy come out and take a look. He said leave it lay by the drive they couldnt do anything till it dryed up. So what do the asshole neighbors do. Call 3 times to the housing authority and complain about it.
See each time someone complains they have someone Drive by the house. They didn't think we had a right to have a sat dish. SO they are wasteing the maintence departments time by having the workers spend time driving by *troubles* they also complained cause we had lights on past 10 pm. lol !!
They wrote in cause we got in on a start up special and got instalation and first 6 months free on direct Tv. The whole thing cost us like 20$.

Excuse me whos fraking buisness is it what time we go to bed!?!? We pay for our own utilities thank you! And keep them current! At that time my computer was in the dining room so yea the dining room light and basement light was on late at night since me and the ex were up but they complained we had ALL the house lights on all night long. Its hard to belive that these people had so little to do in their own lives they constantly had their noses in ours. But they did. It was rediculious. I actually in some way hope we get that house again! LOL.

First thing I would do is put up security cameras in the garage window and on the porch. My son says he can get em for $30 each. New if they have any used less. I would also go right up to their front door and tell them point blank. That they can try to intimidate and get us thrown out again but this time I am prepared and will be documenting and filming EVERYTHING, and will be readily prepared to sue them out of their house and home for harassment and discrimination.

Heck they may not even live there anymore since the father was a GM worker, and mom stayed at home, just about all the GM jobs are gone now. Bet they both work in convient stores or something now. lol The dads parents lived across the street, and the old man was NOTORIOUS for window peeping. I can't count how many times we would catch him gawking in our windows either from his own portch or walking his dog. The living room was all you could see really from the front of the house and we rarely ever used it to be honest. The TV and everything was in the family room. So Only when we had company did we use the living room. Or getting the kids ready for school.

Ah well I'm not looking forward to moving, Its gonna take forever with marv's work schedual and my health problems. But we will do it we have to. Kitten is my own really hesitation. Shes 4 years old now and never been with anyone else. Shes a pecular cat and has some really ODD quirks. But shes part of the family too.

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