Sunday, July 27, 2008


Ugh I can't believe I have to go through with another heart cath in a month. Someone please catch that S.O.B that ran me over with that truck and kill him for me please?!? Standing up or stretching out flat hurts, rolling over in bed hurts, sitting down hurts, coughing hurts!!

Its not really bad, after all they didn't even give me anything for pain. But its that sore/stiff/aching ick feeling reminds me most of the feeling you get after a car accident when your mostly just banged up. And they didn't go in under my arm after all so I am a mass of bruises in one of the most sensitive parts of my body. Oh yea and get this. I am alergic to tape. So what did they do? One the IV in my arm, tape covered the whole top lower half of my arm from wrist to elbow, then theres the like 40+ Sticky pads from all the monitors I am still finding 24 hours later.

But in order to get my stomach out of the way what did they do!? #3 4inch wide 4+ foot lengths of ................... you guessed it TAPE. The nurse started it up under my belly on the side they were gonna cut into and stretched it up and over my oposite shoulder to hold my belly up so not only do I have a wound in my right groin the entire area of skin has erupted in sores from the tape, And has another matching spot on my upper left shoulder to boot.

And I gotta go do this again in a month. Geezee. Next time I am asking for at least a days worth of pain pills. Suposed to be in bed for 3-5 days then slowly increase activity.

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