Saturday, June 7, 2008

Zero Tollerance

Man I never cease to be amazed at the the whole zero tollerance thing that is becoming a plauge on humanity. I get the free edition of Randy Cassingham's This is True email publication. And Randy has a mad on going for ZT policies and I can't blame him at all.

Both my sons now have been victims of the whole ZT insanity. My oldest had to spend 10 days in a mental facility for pointing a wadded up piece of paper at a teacher at 12 years old. And my youngest got taken out of mainline school to months of home bound schooling after school hours to now going 3 periods a day with his own passing period because he tends to overreact when someone tries to bully him. He has been so victimized by bullies that he now responds to anything rather drasticly now. Instead of handling the bullies, he is the one who got punished. Now I Agree he actually hit someone he needed to be punished appropriately but instead they have now set him back a year maybe 2 of his schooling for a hallway scuffle.
I have to admit there is one principal at his middle school who takes bullying seriously and has tried to to put an end to it. But he can only do so much before he hits a point he can get himself into trouble.

Anyhow its a hot humid stormy day today. I would have loved to slept in but my sinuses drying out woke me up so I am up for a while till my sinuses recover enough to go back to bed. Boy Do I really need a humidifier for my CPAP.

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