Friday, June 6, 2008


We had a leak of our furnace/AC the other day and maitenence left a blower in our hallway to help dry out the carpet. I hit it wensday and I think my middle toe is broke at least its seriously bruised. It not really painfull so It may not be broke. But it looks bad. And I can still move it. So last night I bought myself a new pair of slippers. Being dibetic I knew I shouldn't run around in my socks but I did it anyhow.

I can't wear typical womens slip on backless slippers. They seem to scrunch my toes. And get painfull, despite the fact I keep my nails trimmed well. so I gave my old pairs to my daughter. Got a pair that look like mocasins but are soft material with nice real rubber soles.

Another thing i gotta do monday is start seeing a podiatrist. Just about all shoes hurt me anymore. In some way. And I can't afford to be buying shoes over and over. Besides maybe there could be something more to help with the neuropathy I have. Have to see.

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