Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Day 4

Day 4 of quitting smoking. It hasn't been easy thats for sure. But thanks to the patches its been way easier then past times I have had to try to quit. I guess allot of it is I got to quit this time. I do want to be healthier. And want to make it past 40. Though the temptation to just say hell with it and buy some cigs is there. lol
But the fact that I either have grocery $$ or cigarette money for this week is pretty damn powerfull too.

Ugh the patch though is driving me nuts. IT ITCHES for the first 2-3 hours after I put it on and yesterday I put my patches on my chest instead of my arms and now I have 2 big red areas that hurt on my chest. Square one from my nicoderm patch and a oval one from my nitro patch. The skins burned. ick and owwie.

Gotta go back to the doc on the 14th so I am gonna ask him for something to help with the skin breakouts from the adhesives. I've been carefull not to use the same places to often but the nicoderm patches are so huge its hard to find a place they will stay on. They aren't to flexable either so finding a spot to put them is trickey. I've taken to putting a bandaid over it most of the time after the first day the first patch litterly fell off in the shower. Still haven't found it. lol

my biggest gripe is been lack of support at home. My BF tries but he hasn't been helping. So far the extent of his support has been " I know I had to quit also" But his was totally different. He HAD a condition of his lungs. he was sick as a dog and didn't really feel good enough to continue, He could barely breath. Which is a powerfull motivator to stop smoking.

I don't get that added help. I'm fine, well as fine as I can be as heavy as I am, and feeling the effects of this pretty intensely. Times I feel it the most, after meals and when in bed at night gaming with him.

And of course my daughter is being the bitch she always is so that sure don't help. But I've gotten to the point everytime she mouths off I take away computer time. Pisses her off and she charges into her room lol.

ahh well I need to go find some breakfast so I can take my fistfull of meds. Bleh.

1 comment:

  1. You go girl!!! YAY!!! You should be proud of yourself. Hey, I know it's tough with little to no support at home. My DH dips AND smokes the occasional cig. It's really annoying...not only that, but he's in great health and eats crap all the time (if he keeps eating like he is he won't be though...).
    The Lap Band with him in the house should be a hoot especially when I'm on liquids...LOL
