Friday, July 4, 2008

Breaking the addiction

Well I made it through my first day as a NON Smoker. Actually yesterday was pretty easy its this morning that is rough. LOL. My normal morning routine is a huge 32oz mug of coffee and of course a few cigarettes. I got sugar free gum, mints, cough drops, and a jar of menthol rub to inhale from to help with the menthol part of my addiction. So far sitting here drinking coffee and sitting in bed gaming with marv has been my 2 times that I really start feeling it.

Other things, one tire on the van has had a really slow leak in it. He's taken it back and they can't find the leak so we have just been living with it for now. Keeping an eye on it and keeping it full. Well it went flat on him last night. And of course today being the 4th NOONE is open. LOL

My SIL was telling me last night that at the new casino next door (the horse park recently opened a 24 hour casino) to us they are having a FREE concert tonight. One of my childhood idols is gonna be performing and I can't Go!! *crys* If I'd had enough warning to make the half hour drive to the nearest place to rent a wheelchair I coulda gone. So I guesss It's opening my patio door and hoping the sound carries enough.

Anyhow its Davy Jones from the Monkees. I adored their show growing up I was a religious watcher. To bad its not all 4 or I would go somehow. Even if i had to crawl lol!!

lol Ahh well there going to have a big fireworks show too. So at least jay wont have to miss seeing any because Marv has to work. The park is close enough we will have a great view of any of the fireworks from the sidewalk just out front of the apartment.

Man in just the few minutes I have been sitting here since I got up 35 or so) I have started to reach for my missing cig pack 7 or 8 times unconciously lol..All the ashtrays went into the dishwasher last night. I Put my case, lighter etc up out of sight. And since I rolled my own I took the plastic tuperwear containerI used to hold it all in the dishwasher also and put my roller thingy & tamper away. threw away all the empty tubes I had too. So even if I am tempted to cheat i can't cause there isn't anything here to cheat with. lol

My daughters not home either so I can't bum one off her. Shes gonna have to clean up her room too now. Gotta get carpet powder or rent a cleaner to help get the smells out.
But I am doing it!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm working on quitting too. Having a HORRIBLE time of it. How are you holding up????
