Thursday, June 19, 2008

Eekk! A bit worried

Geeze I got up today to a voice mail from the doctors office My PCP that is. the new guy. Had my blood work done on wensday now thursday the office has called about the test results. So now I am worried!!

He ordered up a TON of blood work, checking thyroid, iron and hard telling what else as my medicaleze is getting rusty 20 years out of the nursing field. lol
Since its summer and our sleep schedual is all messed up (Went to bed at 10am this morning lol )
I gotta wait and call the office before going to bed this morning.

A mamogram was one of the tests but that one wont be till the 24th. Never had one before so should be a learning experience. lol
not looking forward to the gals getting smushed!! But hey all in the name of health huh.

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry, everything will be FINE! I know how you feel about the tests though, I'm going through the SAME THING and it sucks! =(
