Friday, May 9, 2008

living in the dark ages?!?

Ok so my BF got payed today and decided he wanted to go out and eat. Well this was 8pm on a thursday evening. Piece of cake huh, dinner rush is over and resturants will be open till 10pm right? WRONG!!
He wants to go to Applebee's but since my son needs to be home in bed by 10 no, we decide Ryan's instead, besides my dear SO is craving dinner rolls. And we don't have to wait 20-30 minutes while the food is being cooked. Another hour to eat. etc.
We pull up at 8:20 and they are CLOSED!?!? WTF!?!?
Now I could understand this if we lived in podunk nowhere. But this is the 5th largest city in our state.
Unfreakingbelievable My old favorite the Great Wall is out cause their food quality has gone WAY downhill. So he decides KFC. See if the buffet is still going. He goes in and asks and they say yes its still up. So he waves us in to get in line. after 5 min of standing in line while the cashier CHATS with 2 people I have to go sit down cause of my back. Aparently she continued to just chat casually for another 10 minutes with 4 other customers in line AFTER my SO. Boy was he steamed. So when she FINALLY notices the line and gets busy she then tells him that no more food would be put on the bar what was there is it. Ok reasonable enough.
Now I forgot to mention through all this it is raining pretty good outside so their floors are super slick. I manage to get to a seat barely. Slipping a bit a couple of times.

I find sitting in our booth that the floor UNDER the booth feels like it has been greased. But its NOT wet!?!?
So to avoid spending half the night at the ER my SO got my food for me and drink. Just as we are getting ready to leave. A gal comes out and starts mopping the floor between us and the door. *Le sigh* out of ALL THE REST OF THE eating area, around the bar, the OTHER exit and by the restrooms she has to start mopping right in front of the MAIN exit. Where we parked. The bottom of my shoes are greasy slippery now. we walked out at 9:15 and they locked the doors behind us.
Man For 13+ years I've complained about the lack of nighttime hours for a city this size but instead of them getting better they are getting SHORTER?!?!

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