Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Well I've decided one again to have a website. But since I'm not dedicating it to some silly game that I am/have been/are playing I'm not sure what the focus of the site will be but heres my first blog entry. So I can rant at will about whatever. lol
And todays rant.

Why the hell do we pay for cable tv and 90% of the time theres NOTHING worth watching on it?
I find I e3nd up watching either animal planet, discovery channel, HGTV, food network or Sci-Fi simply cause there isn't anything on worth watching. I would love to be able to upgrade to digital simply for the BBC network but I can't afford to I am SICK of reality shows, can't stand 99% of them. And all these shows that focus on idiotic people doing stupid things and label it comedy. Hell even Americas funniest home videos now focuses almost exclusively on people getting hurt. And this is funny how??? WTF is wrong with people that they think people getting hurt is funny?
Well looks like its ghost hunters for the evening Bleh

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