Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Boredom strikes

Bah not much going on right now really. My youngest is back on what they call homebound school. Its a couple hours twice a week cause he keeps having agression problems at school. We are looking into a full time DAY school at the mental health center his counciller is in . where he will get daily supervision by qualified teacher AND Councellers. They have daily group sesssions to work on behaviors and a max of 5 kids per class. 

Been playing Oblivion lately. Waiting for my oldest to come home for thanksgiving weekend to install another harddrive to my computer so I can install the expansions for oblivion. Windows keeps having ISSUES with how much free space I have. Aparently 15 gig isnt enough for xp to function cause it keeps bitching at me! Then I will reinstall the game and see about getting some of the Mods marv has for it. Cause right now my game is dead. I have hit an game ending bug where the main quest wont advance.. period. frustrating since i have spent over a week getting to that point. 

Cooking up for thursday. Going to SIL's daughters this year. SIL 2 has decided to spend it with her husbands family and refused to come to ours so SIL1's daughter is hosting. I gotta make deviled eggs, green bean caserole, augrauten potatoes and dee is making pumpkin bread. If SIL1 brings me the bread pans. 

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