Saturday, November 1, 2008

boos and screams

Its amazing how much some things have changed over the years, I can remember as a kid on halloween, kids were everywhere trick or treating, and people with portch lights off were rare. Now its the exact oposite. I think we saw 20 kids totall. Most had haphazard makeup over everyday clothes. My daughter stayed home!! Shes 16 and didn't even go trick or treating with us. I wasted like 20$ on makeup for her to zombfie herself and she stayed home!!

Its bad enough they started trick or treat at 5 pm and that 98% Of the buisnesses churches etc had their stuff earlier in the week despite the fact halloween was on a friday night. And trick or treat was over at 8pm. =/ we have gotten so paranoid with our kids halloween is becoming dull and boring. Unless you can afford to haunted house hop the week before hand. BUt only getting 1 day off work a week that isnt possible. Nor can many people afford it right now.

Good thing is gas was 2.15 a gallon today.

Has anyone noticed the disturbing trend of so called ghost shows on tv anymore?? I am watching the travel channel and sci fi and the ghost hunting shows have gotten so pathetic. The cameras are always on the so called "ghost hunters" Not on the surrounding areas. And everytime they hear a noise, bang etc they jump and scream and run like sissys. Which i think is why people watch the show anyhow. Not to see if they really do catch anything. I had a ghost push a piano into me years ago trying to pin me to the wall I would love to see a so called *ghost hunter* get that!! That would actually be a worthwhile scream and wet your pants moment!! Ghost hunters seems to be the only one who has even tried to retain a credible shred of actual seeking of the truth. At least.

I also want to apoligize to those who do read this. I know I havent posted alot recently. The whole upcomming election really hasd me in a snit. I HATE POLITICS, And having them shoved in my face now 75% of the day has put me into conversation shutdown. Each night asw we get into bed marv hitting me with the latest bullshit in politics of the day and I honestly could care less. I mean yea I would love to do whats best for my country but I am a firm believer of NOONE RUNNING is a good choice. I haven't seen anything yet to convince me either party can do a good job and I really hate to "Vote for who does the least ammount of damage" Thats bullshit. We the people of the united states of america need to do something to majorly restructure our political system. But the bitter pill to swallow is it isnt likely to happen, at least not in my lifetime I doubt.
Because I can't see major change happening without another civil war.

I never professed to know squat about politics. And I will be glad when its over. And 3 years from now everyone will be bitching about how Fucked up and shouldn't have been elected yadayada yada.

I also havent been hanging around LBT much either. Sorry to everyon there. I Just have no reason to be there. I havent gotten a band. At this point I doubt I am going to get lucky enough to get it. Besides I am considering the sleeve moreso anyhow now. But its still gonna depend on my doctors. MY cardi should pass me now for it. I gotta make an appointment with my PCP for many reasons, my insurance has refused to refill my strips for my blood monitor and refused my insulin!!!
I am off 5 blood pressure meds and now only on the 2 types of insulin and NOW they decide to give me fits about the cost of my meds. When they have gone down like 1000$ per month! I don't quite understand it.
Guess we will have to see what happens.

Been playing fallout 3. Wish my computer would stop crashing. Getting annoying.
Well my feet hurt my back hurts and I think its time for bed.

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