Saturday, July 26, 2008

Home again

Well, I am home now. A bit sore but home and doing great. The heart cath turned inhto a angioplasty with a stint placement. Aparently normally they do bypass in same situtions but the doctor just decided to do a stint instead and only the one place the artery was 90% blocked. Aparently theres is at least 1 more 80% blockage I will have to go back for in a month. And the doc has added plavix to my list of daily pills.

The hospital wasn't to bad. My only real gripe that I had was the area i was in didnt have private restrooms. But when they finally did allow m e to get up and go my body sure needed the movement. Laying still for 9+ hours sucks. The sandbag part wasnt bad at all. Rarely noticed it.
But man have they got a cool kitchen setup. You order from your room just like room service and YOU Get to pick what you want. Unlike most hosptials where you get 2-3 choices. I had for dinner last night broiled chicken, broccoli, seasoned veggie m edely, a salad, diet coke and a chocolate chip cookie. Food was good! Chicken tiny bit dry but wow it all had flavor. then for breakfast I had a omlette with chedar cheese, tomatoes, onions & mushrooms, fresh strawberries, hash browns, sugar free vanilla pudding and milk. I was a bit suprised when I went to order dinner and got told I HAD to pick 2 carbs. LOL I spend 95% of the rest of my life avoiding carbs and they insisted on 2.

I dunno what the kids have been up to but the couch is now broken. Rather pissed about that sitting here its creaking to hell and I can feel a board against my back moving.

Getting AJ to drive us up & back was a godsend. For once I wasn't a nervous wreck being in the city.
I also had a rather cute male nurse overnight. lol. that takes some getting used to. But it wasn't a bad experience he was nice.

They brought marv in a nice reclining chair and then got him pillows & blankets so he was comfortable. He didn't sleep much so he is in bed now sleeping. I actually slept pretty well for being in the hosptial. Normally i fit sleep in hosptials but this time I got aa few 4+ hour stretches instead of half hour ones. But I gotta admit the nurses were fast responding to calls and didnt pester you every hour.

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