Wednesday, May 14, 2008


you always see people putting personatily quizes on their websites and I have to admit I used to do them too for the fun of it. But I found one today that REALLY was in depth, At the Llewellyn book publishers website. 
Here is what it said about me:

Your Q Score is: 6
The Q score ideally should be as small as possible, indicating maximum agreement among elements. However, even a tiny Q score may not mean optimal functioning, since all four elements may in fact be relatively undeveloped.

Your Primary Mythical Creature

Earth Types
The main strength of the Earth types is practicality. The second element indicates the most probable focus for this practicality.

Earth with Water

Astrologically associated with Virgo and the Sixth House

Centaur types are cautious and reserved but also warm-hearted, with the desire to be helpful to others in some practical way. They are attracted to teaching and the healing arts, including the complimentary varieties. The more down-to-earth, hands-on methods will be most favored. They gain a great deal of personal satisfaction and enjoyment from helping others in these ways. They are discriminating types who like to organize everything thoroughly so that they can better understand things as well as reduce the apparent chaos around them. They like clear answers, tangible results from their efforts, and they dislike ambiguity. Nevertheless, they often have an interest in the occult and are frequently very intuitive. If they do have occult interests, they are quite likely to adopt one of the more organized systems. People trust them.

Your Shadow Creature

Fire Types
All the Fire types have problems relating to anger and aggression. The weakest element indicat
es the main focus of these problems.

Fire and Air

This shadow is unreasonable, self-contradictory, and expedient. Pseudo-logic and tangled references to poorly understood arguments are used simply to justify current behavior. They are conceited and think that the usual social restrictions should not apply to them. They are snobbish, arrogant, and opportunistic. Their ostentation and name-dropping indicates an underlying sense of worthlessness. They want to succeed but lack the necessary drive, so they bathe in reflected glory. In their self-defeating attempts to do this they may give up their freedom and dignity. The biggest obstacle of weak Air is to overcome prejudice and ignorance; the biggest obstacle of weak Fire is to overcome anger and aggression.

Can't say I agree with the shadow creature: but I guess also that is suposed to be the negative and I do sometimes have problems with my anger. Not near as much as I used to but still.

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